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Chronicle 1964

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    • 12/13 March


      Robert Havemann during his last lecture at the East Berlin Humboldt University, 17 January 1964
      Robert Havemann is removed from his position as professor in the mathematics/science department of the Berlin Humboldt University and excluded from the Party.

      In his series of lectures on scientific aspects of philosophy in the winter semester of 1963/64, he voiced criticism regarding issues of Stalinism in the GDR. In an interview with the "Hamburger Echo" on 11 March, he says he is interested in "overcoming all the degenerate phenomena of the Stalinist era by criticising them openly and calling them bluntly by name." He says no social order can afford "to allow the continued existence of abuses that have been recognised as such." "Statement on Prof. Havemann", Neues Deutschland, 13 March 1964 (in German) less
    • 22 March


      In a speech to the "Kongress Ostdeutscher Landesvertretungen", West German Chancellor says that there can be no relinquishing of the territories beyond the Oder-Neisse Line, but that the West German government was trying “to find a way to reach an understanding with our eastern neighbours based on law, peaceful negotiation and mutual respect."
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